Podcast Guest
Kate Assaraf
It would be easy to say that Dip is a company making bar shampoo and conditioner for people who want to be eco-friendly without necessarily looking eco-friendly. But Dip is more than that. Dip was born out of my desire to make a transformative impact as a business leader that encourages people to buy better, buy less, and shop small. As a thoughtful small business in alliance with other small businesses, Dip has kept our products off Amazon and encourages customers to shop local. Surf shops aren't just stores; they are the heartbeat and education center for many local groups… you just can't replace that energy and human-to-human interaction with one-click shopping. Today, Dip is a growing name and thriving brand thanks to the enthusiasm from the surf community, made up of individuals who understand the connection between making smart purchasing choices and the ultimate impact on our ecosystem. If you notice on our packaging, the conditioner bar also says “After Swim Detangler”. This is because I grew up going to the shore, and I have always brought conditioner with me to the beach & pool to detangle my hair after swimming. Most of my life, my hair has been long and with long hair, comes tangles. I noticed that the older I got, the less I wanted to go swimming because I didn’t want to “deal” with getting my hair wet. So when I formulated the Dip conditioner bar, I wanted it to solve this problem for me: I wanted it to instantly detangle my hair after swimming or surfing, not melt in the heat, and give me the freedom to air dry beautifully so I didn’t have to waste time going home to shower after the beach—and could just continue on to the night. The surf community found us pretty quickly & has been such a huge part of Dip’s story—and we are so thankful to them choosing to go plastic free to detangle & soften their post-surf hair when there are so many bottled options out there.
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